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Experiencing Pelvic Pain? It Could Be Fibroids

Experiencing Pelvic Pain? It Could Be Fibroids

About 50% of women have  fibroids by the age of 50. Many never know it because their fibroids are asymptomatic however, if you’re here searching for answers about your pelvic pain, you might be among the unlucky ones who experience disruptive fibroid symptoms. 

Here at Modern OBGYN Care, our talented OB/GYNs Dr. Marcela Torres and Dr. Miguel Torres, take pelvic pain seriously. We understand that it isn’t only painful but also disruptive in your daily life. 

If you have suspicious symptoms, we start with a comprehensive diagnostic work-up and then follow through with a carefully tailored treatment plan. In this blog, we explain what you need to know about fibroids and discuss some of the ways we can help.

Understanding fibroids

Fibroids develop inside or around the uterus. Although many fibroids don’t cause any issues and often go away within a few menstrual cycles, others are at the opposite end of the spectrum. They may cause: 

The amount of discomfort related to fibroids can vary with each woman. But, if you’re having pelvic pain that’s significant enough to interfere in your regular activities, you could need treatment for your fibroids. 

How we can help with fibroids

Our doctors understand that fibroid pain isn’t just a physical problem but an emotional challenge as well. The pain can work its way into every aspect of your life, including your relationships, work, and general sense of well-being. That’s why we use a personalized approach to fibroid management. 

We start with a physical exam, imaging, and other diagnostic tests to get the most accurate picture of your fibroids within your body. We take the time to understand every way that fibroid pain affects you and then work closely with you to deal with the root cause of your pain. 

Fibroid treatment methods include: 

One or more of these treatments are usually the preferred approaches because they don’t alter your fertility. However, if other treatments aren’t successful, hysterectomy (surgical uterus removal) is a definitive way to eliminate fibroids. 

The treatment approach for fibroids may also depend on your stage in life. Most women with fibroids experience symptom relief during menopause, when hormone levels plummet. So, if you’re starting perimenopause or close to it, we might recommend a less aggressive approach like symptom management until your hormones drop. 

Personalized fibroid pain management

Our specialists at Modern OBGYN Care understand your pain and respect the challenges you’re facing. Don’t allow pain to rule your life when so many solutions are available to help. Call our office at 754-217-4181, or connect with us online today. 

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